Worked well until the latest update. Now it doesnt work at all. Any time I try to use it, it says cannot connect to Internet. Ive tried with wifi and a good LTE signal. No luck.
Worked well until the latest update. Now it doesnt work at all. Any time I try to use it, it says cannot connect to Internet. Ive tried with wifi and a good LTE signal. No luck.
This app rarely opens since the most recent update. It loads the logo screen and then hangs there. Eventually an error page opens saying there is no internet connectivity, even though i do have a connection.
Havent been able to use since update. Hangz as everyone else is saying.
Now, in order to view the news, the app forces you to accept push notifications. This is bs. I will use your competitors app.
Will not connect to the Internet.
Has not worked since update
Im not liking the new update that includes forced ads and repetitive story headlines.
I like the app and Ive had it for quite a while but after this most recent "update" the weather has not updated for a week!! Im still seeing last weeks weather. And also there are "adds" in the news feed now and when you start scrolling fast it moves things all around to make room for the "adds". Pleas fix this or I will be deleting again (thought that might help the issues) and going with another app.
Hate the ads that open to easily when you try and scroll by. Weather not updating right and site takes too long to load. I will be deleting
Full of ads, AP stories, links that dont work and old local news. The weather section is awful as well. Kudos!
Get it together! How long has this app been out? How many versions has it gone through? You still cant seem to fix the articles listed that have no content, yet they still take up space in the feed for that tab. Now that yall have added advertisements into the mix, it just makes it worse. The interface takes too long to load and the feed list jumps around because the ads take longer to load than the stories. Now when opening up an article, it displays for about 2 seconds before the story disappears and is replaced by what I presume is the ad thats at the bottom of the article. Cant read the articles? Then I wont be using the app or going to your website. Update: the new update is useless. None of these issues were addressed. Now the app freezes for long periods of time if you switch over to another app and come back to this one. I will be deleting this app.
I used to go to the KVUE app first to get the latest. Now with ads popping up between the news and some very old news still on the page I am choosing another stations app first. Disappointed.
Cant stand the ads. Customize the main page my self.
I have allergies. Of late, the allergies report seems to be out of date. This needs some action.
Although this app offers a lot of options that I dont use I do use it everyday to check weather and allergy info. Its also my source for local news. Thanks for a great app.
Makes it really hard to read the actual news.
The KVUE news app is very informative and user friendly.
at first gave current allergy report now kvue rarely updates it
The app was good. Only ads at the bottom. The latest version has ads mixed in with the stories now. Every time you back out to look at the headlines, the ads will push stories around because they update. This is so annoying. Let me pay a buck and git rid of them, or dont have them. I understand you need to pay the bills but come on. This is annoying and I will be switching to another news source.
Its local, works for me.